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Programs : Brochure

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  • Locations: Mosbach, Germany
  • Program Terms: Fall, Spring
  • Restrictions: TXSTATE applicants only
  • Dates / Deadlines
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Program Type: Exchange Language of Instruction: English, German
Academic Field: Business, Economics, Engineering, German Language, International Studies Undergraduate/Graduate: Undergraduate
Application Fee: 200
Program Description:

Duale Hochschule Baden - Württemberg Mosbach

The university “Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg” (DHBW) has 9 locations in the federal state of Baden Württemberg. One of those is the DHBW Mosbach with one campus in the town of Mosbach and one in Bad Mergentheim, which is about 60 km away from Mosbach. 

University Website 
Website for International Students


Today, Mosbach is a town with 25,000 residents in the Neckar river valley, bordering on the Odenwald, a mountain range in northern Baden Württemberg. Along the river, you will find lots of cute towns and old castles overlooking the valley. The picturesque medieval town with its restored half-timbered houses bears witness to an almost 1,200-year history.  While preserving its original look, Mosbach is a modern center for service industries and trade.


Areas of study open to undergraduate exchange students:


  • Organizational Behavior/Chg. Human Resources Operations Research Quantitative Market Research Direct Cost Accounting Indus. Marketing Negotiation Money and Currency Business Law Project Management Intercultural & Social Skills, Engineering

  • Financing & Investment Accounting/Tax Global Marketing: Product Mix, communication, E-Commerce Macroeconomics Leadership Research/ Scientific Methods Supply Chain Management Business & Corporation Law,  Intercultural & Social Skills

Course Offerings/Syllabi

Click here for course offerings 

Courses for International Exchange Students:

DHBW Mosbach offers five different options throughout the year. Their International Programs in Business and Engineering (IPB and IPE) are taught in English. Students can also take GLACIP - intensive German language training during the spring semester. 

Language Requirements:

All courses are in English. If students want to take courses in German, German language skills need to be certified by a Texas State faculty member.  

Important Dates

International Program in Business (IPB) 
Spring Semester: January - April (in Mosbach campus)
                             April - June (in Bad Mergentheim campus)
Fall Semester: September - December (in Mosbach campus)

German Language Training Program (GLACIP):
Spring Semester: January - March (in Mosbach campus)

International Program in Engineering (IPE):
Spring Semester: April - July (in Mosbach campus)


Estimated Monthly Costs of Living in Euro:

  • Housing: 250-400
  • Meals: 3.2/meal
  • Student services fee: 64 (one-time)
  • Others (books, etc.): 200
  • Health Insurance: 78



In Mosbach, we have two International Houses located across from each other in the center of Mosbach. The houses are just a few minutes’ walk from the campus and are also close to all the shops, supermarkets, pubs, as well as the train and bus station. The houses have shared apartments with either shared or single rooms. 

For more information, please visit the University’s Housing Website 

Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Fall 2025 02/15/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA

** Indicates rolling admission application process. Applicants will be immediately notified of acceptance into this program and be able to complete post-decision materials prior to the term's application deadline.